Guidelines for Locale-Sensitive Testing in Test262

Philip Chimento
TC39 TG2 meeting, 24 October 2024


The conformance test suite for ECMA-262 and ECMA-402.

Stability in ILD behaviour

It's good for users of the web when...

  • ILD behaviour is stable, so that websites don't break
  • ILD behaviour is updated to follow changing cultural practices & better understanding thereof, so that websites are localized in a way that makes users comfortable

These two things are both good, and directly in tension

Test coverage

  • Should it be a goal to cover every combination of locale and options?
  • IMO, no!
  • Diminishing returns, after a certain point you are just testing CLDR

Some existing strategies for ILD testing

(that are not ideal)

  • "Golden" output
  • "Mini-implementation"

Golden output

  • Testing jargon: comparing output of method under test to known-good output
  • Undesirable in test262 because:
    • golden output varies between implementations
    • golden output varies over time
    • variations are permitted by specification


  • Including what is essentially a polyfill in the test, comparing its output to that of method under test
  • Undesirable in test262 because:
    • difficult to understand what's being tested
    • unclear whether the polyfill or implementation is at fault when tests fail

But what to do instead?

Stable substrings?

  • Not golden output, but a part of the output that is reasonably expected to be stable
  • More robust than golden output
  • Still shares some disadvantages
const formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en", { dateStyle: "full" });
const result = formatter.format(new Date(2024, 9, 24, 12));
assert(result.indexOf("October") > -1);

Comparative testing?

  • Each setting for an input option must produce a distinct output
  • Could be good for getting coverage
  • Assumption doesn't hold in all cases
const date = new Date(2024, 9, 24, 12);
const weekdayResults = ["narrow", "short", "long"].map((weekday) => date.toLocaleString("en", { weekday }));

// BUT:
const dayResults = ["numeric", "2-digit"].map((day) => date.toLocaleString("en", { day }));
assertNoDuplicates(dayResults); // ⚠ fails for days ≥ 10

Metamorphic testing?

  • Find invariant properties of outputs that must hold across multiple inputs
  • No need to specify what those outputs exactly are
  • Can be difficult to find these properties if not specified
const locale = /* any locale, with any calendar or any numbering system */;
const date = new Date(2024, 9, 24, 12);
const dayString = date.toLocaleString(locale, { day: "numeric" });
const monthName = date.toLocaleString(locale, { month: "long" });
const fullDateString = date.toLocaleString(locale, { dateStyle: "full" });
assert(fullDateString.indexOf(dayString) > -1);
assert(fullDateString.indexOf(monthName) > -1);
