⌚ Temporal

Philip Chimento
Igalia, in partnership with Bloomberg
TC39 December 2021

Temporal update

  • Similar to what we asked for consensus on last time!
  • Asking for consensus on several minor normative changes:
    • Changes suggested by implementors ("adjustments")
    • Changes to make spec text accurately reflect the intentions of the champions ("bugs")
  • No discussions this time, just fixes

Temporal update

  • Will continue turning implementor feedback into presentations like this as bandwidth allows
  • Number of normative PRs per plenary meeting seems to be decreasing 📉


ISO 8601 time-only representation (#1952)

  • Time-only strings may be prefixed with a T designator; Temporal did not yet conform to this
  • The T is required where ambiguity with date representations is possible
    • Originally did not support this because Temporal.PlainTime.from() was not considered ambiguous
    • Since then, we moved towards accepting strings in other places where ambiguity may occur

ISO 8601 time-only representation (cont'd)

Examples of ambiguous strings:

  • 2021-12: year-month, or time with UTC offset 20:21:00-12:00?
  • 202112: year-month, or time 20:21:12?
    • Times now require T2021-12 and T202112
  • 12-14: month-day, or time with UTC offset 12:00:00-14:00?
  • 1214: month-day, or time 12:14:00?
    • Times now require T12-14 and T1214
  • 2021-12-14: date, or date-time with time defaulting to 00:00?
    • If you want "midnight" from a date-only string, parse as PDT

More conformant annotation validation (#1953)

  • Clearer distinction of what is invalid ISO 8601 syntax and what isn't
    • e.g. 2021-13-32T99:99:99 — syntactically invalid
    • 2021-12-14T10:00[Mars/Olympus_Mons] - syntactically valid, but time zone not known to ECMA-402
  // throws (no change)
  // Before: throws
  // After: same result as '2021-12-14T10:00Z'; time zone annotation ignored


Brand checks in TimeZone methods (#1693)

  • Some TimeZone methods were missing brand checks
  • Left over from how these methods worked at one time
const timeZone = Object.create(Temporal.TimeZone.prototype, {
  getPossibleInstantsFor() { ... },
  getOffsetNanosecondsFor() { ... },
  toString() { return "my own UTC variant" },
timeZone.toJSON() === "my own UTC variant"
  // Intended: throw due to timeZone not having correct internal slot
  // According to current spec text: true

Note: no change if you inherit TimeZone. This only affects objects that don't have the internal slots

Wrong rounding for fractional Duration strings (#1907)

  • Was floor, should have been trunc
  // "PT1H1M52.5S" (no change)
  // Intended:                       "-PT1H1M52.5S"
  // According to current spec text: "-PT1H2M53.5S"

Missing calendar annotations in ISO strings (#1950)

  • Some calendar annotations forgotten in the ISO 8601 grammar
  • PlainTime strings like 15:13:45[u-ca=iso8601] should be allowed
    • Necessary if we ever want to include time calendars in a future proposal without breaking the web
  • PlainYearMonth and PlainMonthDay strings like 2021-12-14[u-ca=iso8601] should be allowed
    • Necessary for round-tripping via toString()

Consistent units handling in PlainDate (#1955)

  • In since() and until() methods, value for omitted largestUnit should adapt if smallestUnit is given
  • Omitted line in the spec text made this not happen for PlainDate
  • Make PlainDate consistent with other types
date1 = Temporal.PlainDate.from('1970-01-01');
date2 = Temporal.Now.plainDateISO()
date1.until(date2, { smallestUnit: 'year' })
  // Intended: Duration of { years: 51 }
  // According to current spec text: throws RangeError
  // (because default largestUnit < smallestUnit)

Make fractionalSecondDigits consistent (#1956)

  • In Intl methods, fractionalSecondDigits always displays no more and no less than that number of digits
  • Make Duration.toString consistent with this, as intended
duration = Temporal.Duration.from({ years: 3 });
duration.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 2 });
  // Intended: "P3YT0.00S"
  // According to current spec text: "P3Y"

Mistake in grammar of ISO 8601 strings (#1957)

  • When parsing 2020-12-14T07:45:24.12345-00:00:00.321[+11:11:11.54321], TimeFractionalPart could refer either to 12345 or 54321 according to the ISO 8601 grammar in the proposal
  • Disambiguate this by referring to separate productions

Modulo vs. remainder, round 3 (#1947)

  • I thought for sure we had eliminated all of this type of bug, but an implementor found another one!
  • Affects creating Instant and ZonedDateTime from negative epoch nanoseconds
  • Was originally written correctly, then I "fixed" it 😬

Typos that were normative 😱

  • Fix algorithms that don't work as described in the current spec text due to typos
  • List of pull requests:

Requesting consensus

On the normative changes just presented


Note that a lot of the ambiguities arise because ISO 8601 allows omitting the colon in a time representation (this is called "basic format" whereas the format with the colon is called "extended format")