⌚ Temporal

Ujjwal Sharma
Philip Chimento
Igalia, in partnership with Bloomberg
TC39 August/September 2021

Temporal update

  • IETF string format standardization update
  • Asking for consensus on several minor normative changes
    • Changes suggested by implementors ("adjustments")
    • Changes originally intended by the champions but incorrectly expressed in the spec text ("bugs")

IETF string format standardization

IETF progress

  • New IETF WG appears: SEDATE.
  • draft-ryzokuken-datetime-extendeddraft-ietf-sedate-datetime-extended.
  • Building consensus and setting up liason agreements with ISO.
  • Two changes requested to the syntax of serialization strings:
    • One, Z[TimeZone], is being presented today.
    • Removal of sub-minute time zone offsets not yet incorporated into the proposal, will be presented in Oct.
  • One discussion that might cause a minor change in syntax (calendar key name), but nothing else.
  • Optimistic results and on schedule.


Guard against garbage in Calendar.fields (PR #1750)

  • Temporal.Calendar.prototype.fields() expects an iterable as argument
    • Will now throw if the iterable yields any duplicate values
    • Will now throw if the iterable yields any values that are not 'year', 'month', 'monthCode', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond', 'nanosecond'

Guard against garbage (cont'd)

    *[Symbol.iterator]() {
            yield 'garbage';
// Before: infinite loop
// After: throws RangeError

Align addition in PlainDate & Calendar (PR #1710)

  • The treatment of Duration input differed between the common case of adding with PlainDate and the lower-level case of adding with Calendar directly
    • Occurs when adding e.g. 24 hours, 86400 seconds
    • Per an earlier decision, smaller units are balanced up to larger units, but calendars as separate objects didn't exist at that time
  • Advantage: Less surprise for programmers
  • Disadvantage: Chance for userland calendars to be inconsistent
calendar = new Temporal.Calendar('iso8601');
date = new Temporal.PlainDate(2000, 1, 1, calendar);

date.add({ hours: 24 }) // 2000-01-02
calendar.dateAdd(date, { hours: 24 })
// Before: throws TypeError due to no applicable properties in property bag
// After: 2000-01-02

date.add('PT24H') // 2000-01-02
calendar.dateAdd(date, 'PT24H')
// Before: 2000-01-01
// After: 2000-01-02

hours24 = new Temporal.Duration(0, 0, 0, 0, 24);
date.add(hours24) // 2000-01-02
calendar.dateAdd(date, hours24)
// Before: 2000-01-01
// After: 2000-01-02

Consistent order of operations in toPlainDate (PR #1734)

class C extends Temporal.Calendar {
  constructor() { super('iso8601'); }
  fields(f) {
    return super.fields(f);
const yearMonth = new Temporal.PlainYearMonth(2021, 8, new C());
yearMonth.toPlainDate('bad input');  // throws TypeError; unchanged
const monthDay = new Temporal.PlainMonthDay(8, 31, new C());
monthDay.toPlainDate('bad input');
// Before: logs boo!, then throws TypeError
// After: throws TypeError
  • Fixes an inconsistency in the order of user-visible operations
  • Allows implementors to combine an operation

Strings with Z + bracketed time zone (PR #1749)

  • IETF feedback highlighted a gap in Temporal string formats
    1. 2021-08-31T12:30[Asia/Tokyo] local time + TZ ✅
    2. 2021-08-31T12:30+09:00[Asia/Tokyo] local time + offset + TZ ✅
    3. 2021-08-31T12:30+00:00[Asia/Tokyo] bad offset, throw ✅
    4. 2021-08-31T03:30Z[Asia/Tokyo] instant + TZ ❌
// Proposed: support for cases where local time is unknown (e.g. legacy Date migration)
  // => 2021-08-31T12:30+09:00[Asia/Tokyo] (currently: throws)
  // => Asia/Tokyo (currently: UTC; this is additionally inconsistent)


Totally wrong Duration property bag (PR #1659)

Temporal.Duration.from({ years: 5 });
// Intended: creates a Temporal.Duration of 5 years
// Actual, according to current spec text: throws RangeError
  • Duration property bags unintentionally had to have all 10 properties!

Duration string serialization bugs

Temporal.Duration.from({ minutes: 5, seconds: 30 }).toString()
// Intended: 'PT5M30S'
// Actual, according to current spec text: 'PT5M30S30S'

new Temporal.Duration().toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 2 })
// Intended: 'PT0.00S'
// Actual, according to current spec text: 'PT0S'
  • Obviously not the intention
  • Pull requests:

Adjust Duration string parsing (PR #1683)

  • Valid ISO strings were inadvertently rejected by the grammar used by Temporal.Duration.from()
  • Examples:
    • "PT1H1S" - minutes absent in between two other time units
    • "P1Y1D" - months/weeks absent in between two other calendar units

Non-integers in Duration.with (PR #1735)

Temporal.Duration.from({ hours: 6.7 })  // throws, as intended
Temporal.Duration.from({ hours: 6 }).with({ hours: 6.7 })
// Intended: throws
// Actual, according to current spec text: a Duration of 6 hours
  • When making non-integer Duration properties throw, in order to avoid surprises for users, we forgot about with()

Observable order of Duration checks (PR #1601)

called = 0;
observer = { valueOf() { called++; return Infinity; }};
d = new Temporal.Duration(observer, observer); // => throws RangeError

// Intended:
called === 1
// Actual, according to the current spec text:
called === 2
  • Other Temporal types have the intended behaviour

Unintended observable property access (PR #1616)

d = Temporal.Duration.from('P12M');
Object.defineProperty(d, 'months', { get() { return Infinity; }});
d.total({ unit: 'days', relativeTo: Temporal.Now.plainDateTimeISO() });
// Throws according to current spec text. Not intended

An accidental Get(duration, "months") instead of duration.[[Months]]

Accidental duplicate call in ZDT.with (PR #1688)

class T extends Temporal.TimeZone {
  constructor() { super('America/Vancouver'); }
  getPossibleInstantsFor(plainDateTime) {
    return super.getPossibleInstantsFor(plainDateTime);
const datetime = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(1615708800_000_000_000n, new T());
datetime.with({ hour: 2 }, { offset: 'prefer', disambiguation: 'earlier' });
// According to current spec text: logs 2021-03-14T02:00:00, 2021-03-14T02:00:00, 2021-03-14T01:00:00
// Intended: logs 2021-03-14T02:00:00, 2021-03-14T01:00:00
//   (no duplicate call)
  • Algorithm was unnecessarily fetching the same information twice, potentially from user code.

Align difference options in PDT & ZDT (PR #1736)

class C extends Temporal.Calendar {
    constructor() { super('iso8601'); }
    dateUntil(one, two, options = {}) {
        if (options.bad) throw new Error('this is bad');
        return super.dateUntil(one, two, options);
const options = { largestUnit: 'year', bad: true };
const start = Temporal.PlainDateTime.from('2000-01-01').withCalendar(new C());

const pdt = Temporal.Now.plainDateTime(new C());
pdt.since(start, options);  // throws; unchanged
const zdt = Temporal.Now.zonedDateTime(new C());
zdt.since(start.toZonedDateTime(Temporal.Now.timeZone()), options);
// Intended: options object passed into dateUntil; should throw
// Actual, according to current spec text: doesn't throw

Align difference options in PDT & ZDT (cont'd)

  • PlainDateTime difference passes the options object into calendar.dateUntil() for the benefit of custom calendar authors
  • Intention was for ZonedDateTime to be consistent with PlainDateTime

Wrong error type (PRs #1646, #1720)

instant = Temporal.Now.instant();
instant.round();  // missing a unit to round to

duration = Temporal.Duration.from({ seconds: 45 });
duration.total();  // missing a unit to get the total of

// Intended: throws TypeError
// Actual, according to current spec text: throws RangeError
  • TypeError is more appropriate here than RangeError
  • We discussed whether required property bag is OK and feel that this is the right tradeoff

±∞ in property bags (PR #1638)

date = Temporal.PlainDate.from({ year: 2021, month: 8, day: Infinity });
// Intended: throws RangeError
// Actual, according to current spec text: 2021-08-31

date = date.with({ month: -Infinity });
// Intended: throws RangeError
// Actual, according to current spec text: 2021-01-31
  • Also, corresponding changes to all other APIs where a property bag is automatically converted into a Temporal object
  • Surprising results above due to Infinity being subject to { overflow: 'constrain' }

Fix wrong value passed to user code (PR #1667)

class C extends Temporal.Calendar {
    constructor() { super('iso8601'); }
    dateAdd(date, duration, options) {
        return super.dateAdd(date, duration, options);
plain = Temporal.PlainDateTime.from('2021-03-14T02:30').withCalendar(new C());
// Intended: logs {"overflow":"constrain"}
// Actual, according to current spec text: logs "constrain"
  • Passes string instead of options object to user code
  • Also missing an argument

Object passed twice to user code (PR #1748)

class C extends Temporal.Calendar {
    constructor() { super('iso8601'); }
    dateAdd(date, duration, options) {
        const result = super.dateAdd(date, duration, options);
        options.overflow = 'bad value';
        return result;
month = Temporal.Now.plainDate(new C()).toPlainYearMonth();
month.add({ months: 1 });
// Intended: same result as if the options object hadn't been messed with
// Actual, according to current spec text: throws RangeError
  • We audited the spec text for instances of this, but missed two

Object passed twice to user code (cont'd)

class C extends Temporal.Calendar {
    constructor() { super('iso8601'); }
    dateFromFields(fields, options) {
        const result = super.dateFromFields(fields, options);
        options.overflow = 'bad value';
        return result;
plain = Temporal.Now.plainDateTime(new C());
plain.with({ hour: 13 });
// Intended: same result as if the options object hadn't been messed with
// Actual, according to current spec text: throws RangeError

Return type of Calendar.mergeFields() (PR #1719)

class C extends Temporal.Calendar {
    constructor() { super('iso8601'); }
    mergeFields(fields, additionalFields) {
        return "I'm not supposed to return this";
plain = Temporal.Now.plainDate(new C());
plain.with({ day: 1 });
// Intended: throws TypeError
// In current spec text, this fails an assertion
  • Anywhere the mergeFields() of a calendar is called in the spec text, it is required to return an Object

Watch out for modulo definition (PR #1709)

  • Modulo in Ecma-262 is defined differently than % in JS
  • Defines a 'remainder' operation for mathematical values


Mark options parameters as optional (PR #1640)

  • Affects length property of some functions

Incorrect assertion in CalendarDaysInMonth (PR #1716)

class C extends Temporal.Calendar {
  constructor() { super('iso8601'); }
  daysInMonth() { return Infinity; }
ym = Temporal.Now.plainDate(new C()).toPlainYearMonth();
ym.subtract({ months: 6 });
// Intended: Throw RangeError
// Currently fails an assertion in the spec text as written

Incorrect assertion in Duration.compare() (PR #1726)

class T extends Temporal.TimeZone {
  constructor() { super('UTC'); }
  getOffsetNanosecondsFor() { throw new Error('gotcha'); }
const relativeTo = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, new T());
Temporal.Duration.compare({ hours: 24 }, { days: 1 }, { relativeTo });
// Intended: Throw Error('gotcha')
// Currently fails an assertion in the spec text as written

Undefined variable (PR #1687)

  • Fix spec algorithm that was nonsensical due to a missing variable definition

Typos that were normative 😱

  • Fix algorithms that don't work as described in the current spec text due to typos
  • List of pull requests:

Asking for consensus

On the normative PRs discussed in the previous slides