⌚ Temporal

Philip Chimento
Igalia, in partnership with Bloomberg
TC39 April 2024

Progress update

After 7 years, Temporal is close to done. Our only focus is making sure in-progress implementations are successful:

  • Fixing small numbers of bugs found by implementors, mostly in corner cases
  • Making targeted changes to reduce complexity to make implementations easier
  • Addressing non-feature-specific implementation concerns, e.g. code size

We need your help!

  • We would like to make sure doubts are addressed before the June 2024 plenary, so there are no remaining obstacles to implementation
  • If something is preventing you from implementing Temporal, let us know and work with us to resolve ASAP
  • Don't wait! If we need to make changes, we want to make them now

You are welcome at the Temporal champions meeting, biweekly Thursdays at 08:00 Pacific (or we will happily meet another time if this time doesn't work for you)

Implementor concerns

  • Concerns raised about the size of Temporal
  • Discussed in hallway during February plenary
  • V8: Concerns about compiled binary size on 32-bit Android (#2786)
    • We made a proof of concept showing how to cut binary size up to 38% with no change in functionality
  • JavaScriptCore: General concerns about standard library growth, but not specifically about Temporal
  • (cont'd)

Implementor concerns (2)

  • SpiderMonkey: Concerns about Firefox installer size
  • V8: Concerns about complexity of proposal
  • Polyfill: Newly discovered bugs in duration arithmetic
  • Considering dropping or reducing:
    • User-defined calendars and time zones, associated classes and/or subclassing?
    • relativeTo parameter in Duration.p.add/subtract?
  • Open to suggestions. It helps us if concerns can be made specific

Normative change

Bug in rounding edge cases (PR #2797)

When rounding a ZonedDateTime to the day boundary, it was possible in rare cases due to DST to add a spurious extra day.

const zdt = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from('2024-03-10T23:00:01[America/New_York]')
zdt.round({ smallestUnit: 'day', roundingMode: 'ceil' })
  // Current: 2024-03-12T00:00:00-04:00[America/New_York] (incorrect)
  // Proposed: 2024-03-11T00:00:00-04:00[America/New_York] (correct)

The incorrect result comes from not taking into account that 23:00:01 is 22h 1s into a 23-hour day. (March 10th was DST "spring forward".)

(Discovered by Adam Shaw, a polyfill implementor)


Requesting consensus

On normative PR #2797

Proposed summary for notes

Consensus was reached on a normative change to fix a bug in rounding that occurred in rare cases having to do with DST.
Over the next few weeks, we plan to dig into remaining concerns from TC39 delegates, particularly with the goal of reducing complexity.
Follow the checklist in #2628 for updates.

1 normative change proposed today for bug caught by a polyfill implementor